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Frequently Asked Questions About Piano

Updated: Jun 26, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions About Piano
Frequently Asked Questions About Piano

Pianos are a beautiful instrument to play, but they can be difficult to buy. We've compiled all of the most frequently asked questions about pianos in this blog post so you can get your dream piano without any hassle!

Who are the leading piano manufacturers?

Piano manufacturers include Yamaha, Kawai, and Steinway. Each has a number of models to choose from with different qualities that will be different for each piano player.

Planning to learn how to play the piano. Do I need to buy one?

You have two options. You can either rent or buy.

The thing is, pianos are expensive, and not everyone wants to make the investment. But buying a piano is one of those things that you shouldn't do on a whim since you need to know what your needs are and which one will suit them best.

How often should a piano be tuned?

Many factors influence the answer to this question. For example, pianos in different climates need to be tuned at different intervals due to changes in humidity and temperature.

Generally speaking, however, a piano should be tuned every six months or so by an experienced technician. They will assess your specific requirements based on where you live as well as how often you play.

What types of piano are there?

There are three main types of piano that you should familiarize yourself with.

First, there is the upright piano which has a smaller frame than most pianos making it easier to move around if need be yet still having great sound quality.

Second, grand pianos have larger frames and can weigh more than one ton but they also produce much better sound than the other two types.

Third, there is a baby grand piano which takes up less space as it only has three sections instead of five making it easier to move and store.

What Is A Digital Piano?

Digital pianos are electric keyboards that make a sound like an acoustic piano.

What are the advantages of the digital piano?

There is no need for tuning or cleaning.

  • They can be used at any time because there's no temperature change required.

  • The digital keyboard has many different sounds available to it, including all of the standard ones (like a grand piano) and some more exotic ones (like church organ or harpsichord).

  • The keys are weighted to feel like a real piano. Some models even have hammer action, which means the actual key bed moves up and down as it would in an acoustic piano.*

  • They can also create more than just one sound at a time: For example, some pianos will allow you to play both piano and organ sounds at the same time.

How many strings does each note on a piano have?

A piano has 88 keys, and each key contains a string. This means that there are almost 200 strings on the average piano! These include 12 bass strings, 18 tenor strings, 17 baritones (middle) strings, 16 treble (top)strings.

However, some pianos have more or less than this number of notes.

We hope this information can help you choose your piano or keyboard. If it is for beginner use then fewer strings will be better because they are easier to press and play on than more strings!

Also, some instruments have pedals that change the sound of the notes while others do not. Choose carefully!

What are the features to look for in a piano?

  • Some pianos have an auto voice change feature which switches the sound of your piano according to what key you are playing

  • Other features include recording, playback and MIDI functions that enable you to connect external devices such as synthesizers or computers and record and playback your songs.

  • The final factor to consider is the size of the piano: look at where you want it in your room, how much space you have and whether or not it will fit through any doorways in your home. Make sure that wherever you put it, there's enough free space around so that everyone can play

How much does it cost to maintain an acoustic piano?

Maintenance costs will vary depending on the brand of piano and where you take your instrument to be serviced. Some brands may not even require repairs as often, so maintenance fees could also depend on how much use your piano receives each week/month/year.

If there are problems with keys sticking or unresponsiveness when pressed, then you will need to have it looked at by an experienced piano technician. These problems can be easily fixed with available tools, but when they aren't handled in a timely manner, the hammers may warp and cause other damage that is much more costly to fix.

If there are no major issues with your acoustic piano, such as broken keys or strings, then you should expect to pay anywhere from $60-100 each year. This price includes a professional tuning and cleaning of the exterior as well as the interior where the hammers reside.

How long does piano last?

A well-made piano has an average life of 60+ years if properly maintained in dry, controlled conditions.

Generally, they can last longer than 100 years (for certain models and with proper care). It all depends on the quality of the materials when it was built, how often it’s used/played.

The body of the piano can last for decades, but there are parts that wear out more quickly like the hammers and strings. These will need to be replaced every few years or so (or you could buy a digital piano).

Pianos that are well maintained can easily last more than a century! If you play regularly and have it tuned at least once every year or two the lifespan of your piano is increased dramatically.

How to choose a piano teacher?

When choosing your first teacher it's important to look for someone who matches your goals. You should also find a teacher whose personality meshes well with yours.

If you are interested in classical music, then you wouldn't want to hire someone who specializes in jazz. It's even better if the first time playing the piano is something that sounds good to you so that you will want to practice even more.

Are you a piano player and looking to minimize neck pain from playing piano? Our piano music sheet holder might be of help to you. Learn more here>

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Dec 08, 2021

Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

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